
New Group of World Servers booklet

This new booklet from World Goodwill contains brief selections from the Alice Bailey books. It provides a good overview of the New Group of World Servers, with sections on: A Shared Consciousness of Unity; Higher inspiration; the Group's Task; A Group Bridge in Consciousness; A Centre of Planetary Meditation; Law of Group Progress; Dangers to Avoid; The Major Creative Agent in the Three Worlds.

Mantram of the New Group of World Server

Link up in thought every day at five pm local time with the New Group of World Servers



Triangles on Facebook

Triangles is a world service using the power of thought to shift and transform consciousness.

Lucis Trust on Facebook

The Lucis Trust is dedicated to the establishment of a new and better way of life for everyone in the world based on the fulfilment of the divine plan for humanity. Lucis is a form of the Latin word, lux, and means ‘Light’

World Goodwill on Facebook

Goodwill is one of the most basic spiritual qualities of the human being and the great untapped resource at the heart of every human community.

2012 Festival Week Archives

Archives of 2012 Festival Week

To Love and To Serve

A meditation in words and music given at the Lucis Trust in London to celebrate the New Group of World Servers Festival Week (2012)